Dragonfly Symbolism
The dragonfly is rich in symbolism. It has been associated with such attributes such as transformation, adaptability, wisdom, joy, lightness of being, self-realization, personal authenticity, living in the moment, expansion of world vision, and connection to nature. These symbols were derived from the very nature and physiology of the dragonfly.
When you think of a dragonfly, you think of its transformation to a beautiful creature with huge eyes, graceful flight, and iridescent wings, whose adult lifespan is measured in months. Therein lies the origin of dragonfly symbolism. Let us explain.
- The agility of a dragonfly’s flight evokes joy and lightness, and the ability to go with the flow.
- A dragonfly’s huge eyes evoke an ability to see yourself clearly and truthfully, resulting in an awareness of personal authenticity and self-discovery. They have also been used to symbolize an expansion of world vision or the clarity of one’s place in the world.
- Iridescence of a dragonfly’s wings allows them to appear to gradually change color as the angle of illumination changes. So too, the wisdom of a dragonfly allows one to look at a problem from a different angle to produce a desirable solution.
- The transformation of a dragonfly from a water-borne nymph to a magnificent flying creature, represents the ultimate realization of true potential.
- Finally, a dragonfly’s short lifespan, becomes a symbol for living life in the moment - to seize the day and to make every day count.